Saturday, July 29, 2006
Just a Poem...
'Plenty of stuff to write about but, ultimately, too much to write about. Same old shiiii....., stuff so here's a stupid poem already written and ready to post:
I'm smarter than some and more foolish than others.
I'm faster, cleaner, neater, and energized more than many I've met -- and slower, dirtier, messier, and lazier than many others.
I probably look okay but next to others I'm probably downright ugly.
I'm richer than many and show it with finer clothing, more "toys," and occasional trips to nice restaurants; but I'm poor as well and will never own a mansion, plane or yacht.
I'm witty, precise, and entertaining and often in the company of others to whom I am dull, vague, and boring…
Like everyone else, I'm an equal to no one. Like every simple rock, my angles and those of other's vary, and like every simple plant my design and growth is unique.
No one is equal -- or should be -- in a world that prizes the majesty of genuine diversity and the progress of differences in play.
"Equality" is the perennial call made by those who merely seek submission to a template of equal bondage. To "live amongst equals" is to be a servile robot – and an insincere one at that.
I am me and you are "we" and never the twain shall meet. To those who demand "equality," do it – with yourself and those equally as foolish – and live in barren waste as others live among the dynamic color and progress bestowed amongst those who retain individual identity and a human soul.